Ryan Yamashita ’13

Tell Us What Connected You to This Organization
I found out about Life Rolls On (LRO) through our LMU Surf Club. Our proceeds from our Annual Movie Premiere would always go to LRO. I finally got involved in 2018 as a mid-water volunteer, helping push the adaptive athletes into waves through our “They Will Surf Again” program. I now serve as a Water Team Leader on Team Aqua! I normally volunteer at the SoCal events (Santa Monica, Venice, Huntington, La Jolla).
What Inspires You About the Organization, Mission or Your Role
I love being able to see our LROhana and adaptive athletes showcase their gifts. There are so many times that our athletes get told what they can't do, but LRO truly gives them the opportunity to show what we are capable of. It's so amazing getting to see all the stoke and smiles at our surf and skate events.
Tell us how others can get volunteer with your cause
Email me if you'd like to join my team! No need to know how to surf. We normally kick things off in Santa Monica in June and have programs throughout the rest of the summer - “They Will Surf Again” and “They Will Skate Again.”
Nominate Someone: Help highlight Lion Acts of Service by giving a fellow Lion a shoutout. If you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know.