Steven Rude ’88, M.A. ’91

Tell Us What Connected You to This Project
Two years ago, I was able to turn an abandoned space into a thriving vegetable garden for a Head Start Preschool in a poor section of Los Angeles. Through hard work and determination, along with the generosity of so many, I was able to build this community garden so that children and their families could learn the benefits of growing their own vegetables. The Covid pandemic led to shut down and closure of the garden.
Upon returning to “in person” work, I found myself looking for new inspiration for the once-thriving garden. I did not have to look very far as the assistant principal and teachers at a Special Education School asked me to recreate the space into an handicapped accessible garden for special needs children.
What Inspires You About the Project, Mission or Your Role
The students - nearly all children at this school are confined to wheelchairs and walkers and have significant emotional and intellectual delays. We will create a space that will offer a wide range of sensory experiences. This garden will invite the student to touch, smell, see, listen and actively experience the garden with all senses. We are creating a space where they can freely move around. These amazing children deserve something great in their lives. Please help me make their dream come true!
I also enjoy continually connecting with my brothers and sisters from Loyola High School and LMU.
Share Advice to Guide Students Hoping to Pursue a Career with Social Impact or in Nonprofit Industries
We have a responsibility as Jesuit educated people to always be persons for and with others. Email Steven if you want to learn how to get involved.
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