Love at LMU

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Kristen Green ’12 and Julian Portera ’13
Julian and I first met in 2010, when he moved into the same Rains hallway. We quickly became friends, and would work/study in the Rains study room, especially during finals! He was a bit of a procrastinator, so there was a particular moment where he was finishing two major assignments and was pulling an all-nighter. I saw him in the study room late at night, as I was walking back to my dorm, and he looked really stressed and tired. I went in there and gave him a big hug, letting him know everything was going to be ok. It was at that moment, that we both knew there could be something special between us!
As the year went on, we started hanging out more and more. By the time the school year ended, he worked up the courage to ask me out on an official date.
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Brenda Heslin ’01 and Lisa Kleinhofer ’02
English majors. Ignatians. Delta Zetas. Our college years were spent going to classes, then to a meeting, then to a social, and then running to McDonald's for late night french fries before finishing assignments for Professor Wronsky. But we lost contact between Brenda's graduation and the Alumni BBQ in 2006.
We ran into each other at the reunion check-in tables, so excited to see each other again, but quickly lost each other in the mix of all the other friends we hadn't seen in too long. And so it went throughout the day: "okay, so, as I was saying ..." and then another fun person came by to say hello. After several thwarted starts, we exchanged phone numbers so we could try to finish our conversation at some point... which happened to be the next night.
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Brent Lloyd ’12 and Pricilla Cotton ’12
Pricilla enrolled and began her undergraduate journey at LMU in the fall of 2008, living in Del Rey South.
Brent enrolled at LMU to join the following spring semester. As Brent got notification of his acceptance, he did what anyone did back in those days, which was to update his Facebook education status to display as a LMU Lion and join the LMU Facebook group.
The very first person to reach out and welcome Brent to the Lion family just so happened to be Pricilla.
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Patrick McConville ’06 and Sidell (Chase) McConville ’06
Sidell and I met our freshman year while living in Rosecrans. I lived in the quiet wing reserved for the nerdy and anti-social, so girls rarely ventured into our neck of the woods. Except I lived next door to the RA and girls did come to visit him.
She was sitting on a beanbag watching "Real Genius" with Val Kilmer. I came up with a foolproof excuse to interrupt the movie: I needed to borrow...fingernail clippers. Yep. That's how I introduced myself.
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Lee Proctor ’72 and Ed Proctor ’71
I arrived at LMU in the fall of 1969 coming from the small town of San Luis Obispo. Trying to meet new people, I was invited to a Sigma Phi Delta frat party.
At one of their annual pool parties, it was customary for all male guests to be thrown into the pool. All who came expected it and enjoyed the laughter that came with that. Ed came to that pool party and he was ceremoniously thrown in. Looking like a drowned rat, he stepped out of the pool, walked directly over to me and asked if I wanted to have dinner.
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Dillon Siler ’14 and Allison Halbert ’14
In 2012, Dillon and I met studying abroad in Bonn, Germany while attending LMU’s business school. Ironically, we ended up in every class together and spent every weekend traveling with the same group of friends over the course of four months. We have been inseparable ever since and nearly 10 years later, are engaged and getting married next year!
Thank you LMU and the study abroad program for introducing me to my best friend and love of my life!
Leonard Turcios ’14 and Jessica (Bowman) Turcios ’14
Freshman year I knew of my wife, Jessica Bowman, through mutual friends and crossing each other's paths regularly in the dorm building, Del Rey South. Although things became more serious after I saw her and asked her to dance at the Sursum Corda ABC Dance.
After that night we spent nearly every day with each other. Jessica majored in dance, and I loved watching her perform at the fall and spring showcases. She even included me in the student run spring show, Impulse, as well as her senior thesis. As I majored in electrical engineering, we didn't have much opportunity to share classes. Although during our last semester senior year we were both able to take African Drumming with Monti Ellison, that was a blast.
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Brianne Zapata-Davila ’13 and Antonio Davila ’12
We first met at on off-campus party during move-in weekend, 2010. It seems like, from that moment on, we were inseparable.
Over our years at LMU, many different spots on campus became special to us, including Pereira Hall where we would often see each other between classes. The steps leading out the back of Pereira Hall were the first place I saw him after meeting the weekend before, and I felt immediate butterflies.
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