English majors. Ignatians. Delta Zetas. Our college years were spent going to classes, then to a meeting, then to a social, and then running to McDonald's for late night french fries before finishing assignments for Professor Wronsky. But we lost contact between Brenda's graduation and the Alumni BBQ in 2006. We ran into each other at the reunion check-in tables, so excited to see each other again, but quickly lost each other in the mix of all the other friends we hadn't seen in too long. And so it went throughout the day: "okay, so, as I was saying ..." and then another fun person came by to say hello. After several thwarted starts, we exchanged phone numbers so we could try to finish our conversation at some point... which happened to be the next night. Meeting a friend for dinner that night felt bigger than just that, felt more important. We talked a lot, caught up on what we'd been doing for the last 5 years, finished our dinner, finished our coffees, and then called each other as we made our way home. We saw each other again the next weekend, then again and again until that five year gap felt like it had never happened. Five years after that, we were living together in Los Angeles. 5 years after that, we'd moved to the central coast, gotten married, and had twin boys. And 5 years after that? A daughter, another move. Our classes and meetings and social events are much different than they were when we were students, but we're still doing them together.