Our LMU Love Story started in 2001.
We met through mutual friends while residing in McCarthy Hall, several dorm rooms apart from each other during Fall 2001. We began dating, enjoyed the entire LMU experience together, and took in many beautiful Los Angeles sunsets from the bluff! We graduated together in 2004, and began our respective careers.
In 2008 we were married on campus in the Sacred Heart Chapel, surrounded by family, friends, and many fellow Lions! Jeff's brother Brian (’06), and Jessica's sister Mallory (’07) served as Best Man and Maid of Honor on that very special day.
Fast forward to 2021, and we have two children we're proud to have brought back to campus 'to see where Mommy and Daddy met', and for a few Alumni BBQs! LMU holds an extra special place in our hearts, as it is where our two hearts found each other!