Laura and I didn't meet at LMU, but so much of our lives since we met has been shaped by LMU. We met when we were working together at a nonprofit called City Year. Shortly after that, we both found opportunities to work at LMU- each of us as Resident Ministers. We were both working at LMU for the majority of the time we dated, and we got married while living and working at LMU. Our first son Matthew was born when we were Resident Ministers in Tenderich and I was working in Campus Ministry. Since Laura and I met, LMU has been such an instrumental part of our lives. We worked here together for several years. One of my favorite memories is the baby shower the De Colores community in Tijuana threw for us, surprising me by arranging to have Laura in Tijuana for one of the days of our trip. Laura went on to get her MBA here, working during the day, taking class at night, all while raising a newborn living on campus. I am now working on my doctoral degree at LMU and have memories in the first year of spending time in the library with my son, searching for books as he looked at books from the children's section of the library. And our kids have attended the LMU Childcare Center and for much of their life. I have heard it said that LMU is as much a place you go from as you come to, and for me that is true. Who I am as a professional, as a spouse, as a parent, and a friend can be traced back to this place.