Sidell and I met our Freshman year while living in Rosecrans. I lived in the quiet wing reserved for the nerdy and anti-social so girls rarely ventured into our neck of the woods. Except I lived next door to the RA and girls did come to visit him. She was sitting on a beanbag watching REAL GENIUS with Val Kilmer. I came up with a foolproof excuse to interrupt the movie: I needed to borrow...fingernail clippers. Yep. That's how I introduced myself. Two months later, we started hanging out. Three months later, we went for a walk on the bluff during a rare rainstorm. I had the perfect moment for our first kiss, which would have made this story all the more romantic, but I chickened out and so, I waited four more days. We said "I love you" for the first time at the end of the first semester and pretty much every day since. As Seniors, we climbed to the Bell Tower as part of the "Places You've Never Been Tour." I wrote "SIDELL LOVES PAT" with a chunk of concrete on the interior tower wall. Every time I see the Tower, I wonder if it's still visible? We married six years later and now have three sons. We've since moved back to Westchester and take our boys to the Campus regularly.